In times of pandemic choirs in the region of Corinthia, Austria are not allowed to rehearse or perform in closed spaces, which makes difficult for the development of the young voices. Simultaneously woods around the Worthersee lake are being cut down in order for private houses to be built. The concept aims to solve both problems - as it creats a cultural platform from nature in the woods around the Vienna choir boys campus

Canopy of the 24

Studio: Bachelor thesis

Site: Sekirn, Austria

Mentors: Tina Gregoric, Jakob Travnik

Semester: SS 2021

Partners: Atanas Kovachev

Project type: academic

The specific culture found in the area is choir singing, as the Vienna choir boys are using the dormitory building on the site for rehearsal during their summer camps and the Hubertus church is being used by another local choir. The hill between the 2 cultural institutions, which is the natural habitat of oak, beech, spruce tree has a specific terraced topography. The chosen terrace for the project has specific acoustic qualities which are beneficial for outdoor singing. A group of six young spruce trees on the natural terrace are the specific flora in the broad-leaf forest on the hill. The proposed cultural intervention is a space formed from trees, designed for experimental choir rehearsals and performance.

The project is a hybrid between a cultural and ecological intervention that aims to preserve nature from cutting being cut down through the sacredness that choir singing brings as well as give an alternative to the users of singing in the nature during pandemics. As the project is developing long-term the performers will build relationship and memory to it as it will be growing with them getting older and older. It becames a story that could unite different generations of choir singers. The distances between the newly planted trees is 2 meters so that the choir can perform in the range of the state requirements. Similar strategy is followed in the maintanence of the tree crowns so that the space underneath is high enough to fit a grown person.

10 years

40 yeas

Sound reflection

60 years

Atmosphere and Detail

The project was designed to have a special and effecient atmosphere for choir singing - not only for the visitors but also for the performers. On the other hand the project was also designed in such way that no harm is done to the trees and the soil. The rock in the middle of the round space is used as an anchor point for ropes that bend the trees in to a dome. The detail was planned in such way that with the enlargement of the radius of the tree, the connecting point of the rope gets more loose.

Atmospheric model 1:50

Atmospheric model 1:50

Mechanical detail model 1:20


Fondazione Mivar | WS 2021


Exchange Fence | 2021